Precision Cooker (Photo: Anova Culinary)
Cover Precision Cooker (Photo: Anova Culinary)
Whether you are a self-proclaimed home cook or are just starting to embrace the pleasure of making your own food, these gizmos belong in your kitchen

1. Sous-Vide Machine

Tatler Asia
Sous Vide (Photo: LAICA)
Above Sous Vide (Photo: LAICA)

French for “under-vacuum” and pronounced (sue-veed), sous-vide refers to the process of cooking in a sealed bag under a precise constant temperature. It’s the secret to perfectly cooked steak that some high-end restaurants want to keep hidden because well, it’s a revelation. With one of these, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect doneness on your meat every time.

See also: Periuk Teaches Virtual Malay Cooking Classes To Alleviate Sabah's Covid-19 Crisis

2. Vacuum Sealer

Tatler Asia
Vacuum Sealer
Above Vacuum Sealer (Photo: Anova Culinary)

If the sight of unidentifiable frozen food wrapped in layers of plastic held together by a rubber band is unappealing to you, perhaps it is time to invest in a vacuum sealer. Not only does it keep your produce fresh for much longer, but it also comes in handy in guaranteeing a proper seal for your sous-vide experiments. 


3. Food Smoker

Tatler Asia
Digital Electric Smoker (Photo: Masterbuilt)
Above Digital Electric Smoker (Photo: Masterbuilt)

Nothing beats crispy bacon with your sunny side up eggs or bagel with a schmear. A smoker is what you need to take your barbecue game to the next level. Smoke penetrates the meat, locking in the moisture and giving it flavour in every bite. With a smoker, you can even brave more complex foods like smoked watermelon ham or smoked seitan.

See also: Where To Buy and Try OmniMeat, The Alternative Protein Endorsed by PETA Asia

4. Stand Mixer

Tatler Asia
KitchenAid (Photo: Pexels)
Above KitchenAid (Photo: Pexels)

Stand mixers have certainly found their place in the kitchens of today and rightly so. Having one of these is akin to having another set of very capable hands in the kitchen, minus the fuss and grumble. Over the years, this machine has evolved beyond a simple batter mixer. With the right accessories, you’ll be to be able to mince meat, stuff sausages, press pasta and even mill flour with a stand mixer. Talk about a multi-purpose machine. It’ll replace all your other unworthy kitchen gadgets in no time.  


5. Food Dehydrator

Tatler Asia
Excalibur Dehydrator (Photo: Excalibur)
Above Excalibur Dehydrator (Photo: Excalibur)

Want to find new ways to dress up your smoothie bowl or perhaps add a touch of mushroom powder to your mashed potatoes ? A dehydrator allows you to do all of that and more. Dry your excess herbs and chillies, turn fresh vegetables into crispy chips and fine powder, or even your favourite protein into jerky with a food dehydrator. Not only are dehydrated snacks healthy, but they also cut down on food wastage.

See also: 5 Places To Shop Sans Plastic Packaging

6. Air Fryer

Tatler Asia
Air Fryer (Photo: Ninja Kitchen)
Above Air Fryer (Photo: Ninja Kitchen)

Fried chicken with less calories and without the hassle of cleaning a deep-fryer? Yes, please! More versatile than you think, some air fryers double as a small convention oven, allowing you to roast vegetables, bake cookies and even cook steaks.

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7. Soda Maker

Tatler Asia
Carbonator (Photo: Aarke)
Above Carbonator (Photo: Aarke)

Store bought seltzer and craft sodas often come with a hefty price tag, so if you’re planning on splurging you might as well go for a soda maker. You’ll be able to put bubbles in just about any liquid, making anything from fizzy orange juice to sparkling tea. It is undeniable that some drinks are so much better with a hit of fizz. 
