Why do people fear mercury retrograde? Astrologer Deborah Lynna takes a look at these questions for you (Photo: Getty Images)
Cover Deborah Lynna takes a look at the most commonly asked questions in astrology (Photo: Getty Images)

What is spring equinox? Why can’t you relate to your weekly horoscope? Astrologer Deborah Lynna answers these and other astrology questions you might have been wondering about

Most people have some level of interest in astrology and horoscope, whether that involves looking at your weekly horoscope or registering on an app to get relationship readings. But while there’s a lot of curiosity on this subject, some of the terms and concepts used in astrology can be quite esoteric. So if you find yourself wondering why mercury retrogrades are considered unlucky or why certain star signs are more compatible with you that others, read on to find out more. Here, we have taken a back-to-basics approach that will answer six of the most commonly asked astrology questions.

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How do I know what star signs to avoid?

Just as life is complex, so are relationships. Very rarely do we come across a chart in which we can say that any single sign is “bad” for us. Since our charts are made up of a combination of planets in signs, one sign might be a great fit for you in business, but not in love, and also depending on their overall planetary placements, the same sign might be great for you in one placement but not so great in another placement.

Relationship readings break down specific elements of your chart compatibility: “She’ll be a great business partner in a financial start-up” or “he’s unlikely to ever do the dishes thoroughly but we’ll have meaningful conversations” or even “the physical chemistry is amazing but our core life values differ”. Looking at the chart holistically—rather than just based on Sun signs—provides us with in-depth information into the nuances of a relationship. 

Why is a planet retrograde bad?

Retrograde planets are not essentially bad. Fear-mongering in the media can make us believe that a retrograde planet is to be blamed for things going poorly.  

During a retrograde cycle, the effects of that planet are simply felt more strongly. What does that mean? Each planet is responsible for an area of your life: be it work, money, friends, relationship—this is chart-dependent. When that planet retrogrades, that area of our life might feel like it’s on steroids. Depending on the planet in your chart, that could be a good or bad thing.

Little-known fact: There is great power in the retrograde period, as it can also make us highly in tune with our inner world. Learning to use the retrograde rather than fearing it can be very impactful.

What is spring equinox?

Spring equinox is also referred to as the “new year” in the astrological calendar. It officially marks the first day of spring, which correlates to the first day of Aries season. It gives one an outward-facing fresh start compared to the previous flowy, more internalised experience of Pisces season. There is a desire to get out and do things, to try new things and be bold—all characteristics of Aries. 

Astronomically, spring equinox, known as “equal night” is the time of year when day and night are equal in length. The same happens during autumn equinox in September.

What does solar return mean?

Every year, the Earth travels around the Sun in 365 days. However, from our perspective here on Earth, it appears that the Sun is moving around us. Therefore, a solar return is the time it takes for the Sun to move through all 12 signs in approximately one year. 

On your birthday, the Sun “returns” to the place it started when you were born and it represents your personal new year, bringing with it new themes. You may even feel a shift in energy more so than on January 1. This is also why your birthday is the best time to get a reading. It is also the best time to set intentions and meditate on new beginnings.

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What does New Moon and Full Moon represent?

Each month, we have a New Moon and a Full Moon. During a New Moon, the Earth blocks the rays of the Sun and we cannot see the Moon. Quite simply put, it’s dark outside. The opposite is true during Full Moon, when the Sun lights up the Moon. 

The New Moon is a time for staying indoors, resting, contemplating and sleeping. In the days right after the New Moon, when the first crescent of the Moon appears, it is nature’s clock telling us it’s time to start a new project, goal or activity with the aim at completing a milestone two weeks later, on the Full Moon.

Using the timing of the New and Full Moon cycle is an easy way to start using astrology in your life. Forget the retrogrades.

Why can’t I always relate to my weekly horoscope?

Horoscopes are great for a snapshot look at your week or month ahead. One recommendation is to read for your rising sign. Using an astrological calculator, figure out what is the sign in the first house. This may be different from your sun sign. Read for both, and see which one resonates with you more. Chances are you may find the rising sign a more potent and accurate reading for generalised horoscope listings. 
